The Narcissistic Relationship
Recovery Circle

Join now to recover from relationship trauma, heal your wounded heart and reclaim your life after narcissistic abuse.

Has your world been shattered by a relationship with a narcissist? Are you tired of the self-blame, self-doubt and confusion that dominates your life after narcissistic abuse? If you're ready to recover, rebuild your self-esteem and emerge stronger than ever before, you're in the right place.

Does This Sound Like You?

You're feeling overwhelmed, distressed and confused after a relationship with a narcissist.

Whether you left the relationship yourself or you were cruelly discarded by the narcissist, you're feeling upset, exhausted and shell-shocked because you're unable to make sense of the gaslighting, manipulation and heartache that you've endured.

It's time to find clarity, soothe your pain and become strong and resilient as you transform from victim to victor after narcissistic abuse. 

You're sick and tired of the narcissist taking up your head space.

Even though you've realised your ex was narcissistic, you're devastated by the grief and loss you've suffered during the relationship. Plus, you're conflicted because you can't stop thinking about them and there's a huge void in your life now.

It's time to make peace with the past and finally find put an end to the emotional turmoil as you release yourself from the narcissist's toxic grip.

You feel stuck and hopeless about the future.

You're anxious, irritable or depressed. Struggling with painful memories, flashbacks and disturbed sleep. Full of self-blame and self-doubt. And the idea of exploring new relationships is terrifying because you've lost your confidence and motivation.

It's time to restore calm and balance to your life, rest well, rebuild your self-esteem and take a step towards the bright future you desire and deserve.

With so much confusing information online about narcissists and the harm they cause in relationships, it can be hard to know how to begin your own healing journey. I'm here to guide and support you.

Meet Rhian, Specialist Therapist, Educator & Founder Of The Narcissistic Relationship Recovery Circle

I’m a Relate-qualified Relationship Therapist with additional training in Psychosexual Therapy and a Post Graduate Training qualification.

Having worked extensively with personality disorders and childhood trauma, I have the rare advantage of having encountered many individuals with narcissistic traits in the therapy room through my work with couples.

And as a survivor of narcissistic abuse myself, I know the motivations and behaviours of the narcissist like the back of my hand.

I’ve made it my priority to learn and share a combination of trauma-focused cognitive (mind), somatic (body-based) and holistic approaches that meet the gold standard for addressing relationship problems, attachment issues and complex PTSD.

I’ve developed a clear pathway for women like you, who are ready to repair the damage that results from a narcissist’s lack of empathy, selfishness, manipulation and cruelty.

The solutions I offer combine high quality education, personal growth, therapeutic insight and community support at a much lower investment than 1:1 Therapy.

You Deserve To Heal, Rise And Love Again After Narcissistic Abuse

The Narcissistic Relationship Recovery Circle is perfect for you if:

Your life feels unmanageable after a relationship with a narcissist. You feel heartbroken and overwhelmed and things aren't getting any better.
You can't get over the gaslighting, manipulation, lies, betrayal and cruelty you endured during the relationship, no matter how hard you try.
You're sick and tired of obsessing about the narcissist and the relationship. And you're fed up with wondering if you're to blame for the abuse.
Your confidence and self-worth has been eroded, you're worried that you're not able to have a healthy relationship and it feels impossible to move on.

Imagine how your life and relationships will change when you have:

Skills and strategies to overcome the debilitating symptoms of narcissistic trauma, manage your distress and restore calm and balance to your life.
Therapeutic tools to process the traumatic events you've experienced and heal the wounds you sustained at the hands of the narcissist.
Freedom from the confusion, pain and self-blame that holds you back as you finally heal and grow beyond relationship trauma.
Guidance to help you reconnect with yourself,  boost your self-worth and create safe, secure relationships as you embrace love and life again.

The Narcissistic Relationship Recovery Circle

When you're suffering from the symptoms of complex trauma as a result of the psychological damage caused by the narcissist's gaslighting, manipulation, lies and lack of empathy, 'just giving it time' won't heal the wounds. 

You need to take action in order to heal the pain and reclaim your life.


Transform From Victim To Victor

As a valued member of my healing community, you'll benefit from teachings, tools, worksheets and resources to support your recovery. The work is informed by trauma-informed therapeutic approaches and supported by mindfulness, guided relaxation techniques and nervous system support. Here's what's in store for the first nine months of the membership. You'll also be given the opportunity to request help with issues like co-parenting, navigating divorce, managing in-laws, maintaining your no-contact resolve and anything else that comes up for you personally.

phase one

Restore Safety And Peace

Reduce your level of distress, calm your stress response and become more grounded and resilient so that trauma symptoms like flashbacks, avoidance, anxiety, confusion and overwhelm no longer dominate your daily life.

Embrace your innate ability to be free from the symptoms of narcissistic trauma.

Learn effective strategies to respond to your distress and expand your capacity to thrive. Explore the transformative potential of somatic practices to support your recovery.
Finally begin to feel like yourself again as you engage with somatic tools and techniques to restore calm and peace to your life.

Receive somatic healing processes that combine mindfulness, body awareness and relaxation methods to address:
- Fear.
- Anger.
- Overwhelm.
- Feeling on edge (hyper-vigilence).
- Anxiety.
- Flashbacks.
- Unwelcome thoughts and unpleasant memories related to the narcissist or the abuse.
- Disconnection from yourself, others and the world.
- Struggles with focus and concentration in your daily life.
Understand the significance of rest and repair for your recovery process, establish a supportive night-time routine and learn how to create deeply healing rest and sleep to support your mind and body.

Receive tools to help you deal with challenges that impact your capacity for rest and repair including difficulties getting to and staying asleep, sleep disturbance, bad dreams and nightmares.

phase two

Process Narcissistic Trauma

Work through grief, loss and heartache as you repair the damage caused by the narcissist. Explore your own behaviour patterns and styles in relationships, including factors from childhood that may have predisposed you to abuse.

Release the chains of grief, self-blame, guilt and shame that often bind survivors of narcissistic relationships.

Navigate the complex path of grief and loss, fostering acceptance and self-compassion on the journey to healing and inner peace.

Journey through powerful insights and practical tools crafted to free you from the grip of your inner critic as you separate the truth from false narratives and process the complexities of your grief and loss.
Make a clear and honest inventory of your wounds and discover trauma-focused cognitive techniques to repair the deep psychological damage that you have sustained as a result of abusive, manipulative, narcissistic behaviours that have made you feel silenced, invisible, worthless and broken.

Work through the wounding of gaslighting, stonewalling, triangulating, betrayal, criticism, denial and more.
Address unhealthy relationship patterns and behaviours rooted in codependency and love-addiction that kept you trapped in narcissistic relationships.

Work on stronger boundaries and develop a greater sense of security to ensure that you're protected from future abuse.

phase three

Rebuild Your Life

Discover a new version of yourself who is no longer defined by narcissistic abuse. You will become boundaried, confident and powerful as you restore your self-esteem, create healthy relationships and embrace a meaningful life.

Reconnect to your true self and choose to love, accept and value all parts of yourself through self-care, self-parenting and self-partnering as you stop feeling lost, forgotten and defined by narcissistic trauma and remember that you really matter.

Make your relationship with yourself your deepest foundation.
Embrace the skills and confidence to create safe, healthy, fulfilling relationships as you step out of the chaotic aftermath of narcissistic abuse and become aligned with real love.

Explore an empowering approach to creating new relationships by becoming crystal clear on what constitutes healthy relationship behaviours and learn how to build trust in yourself and others so that dating and relationship anxiety become a thing of the past.
Finally enjoy post-traumatic growth as you start to create a balanced, rewarding and meaningful life, free from the devastating legacy of narcissistic abuse.

Use your newfound confidence and healthier self-image to reassess your dreams and goals and learn how to take action steps towards making them reality. Find the courage to choose the things in life that bring YOU joy, pleasure and peace and build the life you want – NARCISSIST-FREE.


Enjoy powerful and transformative healing steps to guide you to recovery after a relationship with a narcissist.


Self-inquiry tasks and worksheets and workbooks to support you fully with your unique personal healing process.


Somatic healing exercises for your brain and nervous system as you overcome the symptoms of trauma.


Mindful guided relaxation processes with trauma-informed holistic approaches for rest, repair and deep healing.

Plus You'll Get These Brilliant Bonuses To Enhance Your Journey

The journey of recovery after a relationship with a narcissist can bring up issues in almost every area of your life. Your bonuses have been designed to enhance your healing and offer you the opportunity to share, seek support and get all your questions personally answered as you work through the program.

 BONUS 1 | safeR SPACE community

Access to a safer-space community of likeminded women for sharing, encouragement and connection.


Access to group Q&A calls with Rhian so that your personal questions and obstacles can be addressed.

Release yourself from the devastating pain of narcissistic trauma, heal your wounded heart, restore your sense of self and finally feel free to start loving and living again.


The NRRC curriculum is informed by solid therapeutic approaches including Psychodynamic Therapy, Trauma-Focused CBT, Schema Therapy, Compassion-focused Therapy, Mindfulness and Parts Work.


Benefit from an integrated solution, drawing upon gold-standard holistic approaches to trauma healing including polyvagal-informed somatic exercises, breathwork, sound therapy and yoga nidra.


You will be fully supported as a valued member of our exclusive healing community, with answers provided for all your questions as you work through the material. This is a high-touch membership where your recovery comes first.

Membership Options

While you remain a member of The Narcissistic Relationship Recovery Circle you will gain access to the monthly materials and resources housed in a specially built online portal together with membership of our exclusive support group.

USD payment options are available for USA or international clients.
GBP payment options are available for the United Kingdom.



MONTHLY membership



Monthly payments of $33 give you access to the following benefits:

Monthly teachings that guide you through Rhian's three-phase approach to narcissistic trauma recovery. 
Program resources including self-help tasks, workbooks, journal prompts, planners and worksheets.
Healing sessions including somatic exercises and guided relaxation processes.
Bonus Q&A group calls with Rhian
Bonus safe-space support community


MONTHLY membership



Monthly payments of £27 give you access to the following benefits:

Monthly teachings that guide you through Rhian's three-phase approach to narcissistic trauma recovery. 
Program resources including self-help tasks, workbooks, journal prompts, planners and worksheets.
Healing sessions including somatic exercises and guided relaxation processes.
Bonus Q&A group calls with Rhian
Bonus safe-space support community

Client Love

Rhian has received a wealth of positive feedback from clients who have worked with her 1:1 or attended her groups and programs. Here are some of the things people say:

"I Healed Myself"

Rhian is an amazing teacher. She’s so compassionate, gentle, understanding and magical. She doesn’t judge you and she’s very powerful. She started teaching me about self-love and that’s when I started to bloom. I took off like a rocket and healed myself.



I've been single for 11 years and I'm ready for that next chapter. However I knew I still needed to do some work on myself before venturing down that path. The time spent with Rhian was so healing. She supported me in such a loving way that has helped me shift some energies in my life.



Rhian's vast and diverse knowledge enables her to find, guide and counsel you through your personal challenges. She builds a unique bond with you, easily allowing you to trust her. Thanks to Rhian (and her patience) I feel empowered, confident and worthy. She is amazing.



Got questions? Drop us a line!

If you want to ask a question to help you decide whether this membership is right for you drop us a line at We'll respond to you within 24 hrs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Rhian the best person to help me?

Unlike many providers of online narcissistic abuse recovery programs, Rhian is a professionally qualified Sex and Relationship Therapist with specialist training in many evidence-based modalities and a wealth of experience.

She previously delivered Therapy with Relate, the UK's national provider for relationship support and worked as a mentor for the mental health charity, Mind. She is also a PGCE qualified Teacher and Trainer of Adults who has delivered many programs of education to individuals and groups.

Rhian's expert opinion is often featured in the media and she receives a great deal of positive feedback from her clients past and present. You are in safe, professional hands with Rhian, who prides herself in offering the highest levels of service and support.

Why is this membership for women only?

Although we recognise that people of all genders can be victims of narcissistic abuse, women are in the majority.

 A decision has been made to offer the membership to women (including those who identify as women) only in order to keep the support community a safe space. 

We know that members may wish to ask questions about intimacy or sexual trauma and we recognise that this may only feel possible in a women-only environment.

Rhian works with men on a 1:1 basis.

Will this help me deal with a narcissistic parent, family member or employer?

This program is designed for survivors of narcissistic abuse that has occurred in partnered relationships.

Although there will be information within the membership that may be useful if you have a narcissistic family member or employer, the context of the material is focused on partnered relationships.

How do I know if my ex-partner is a narcissist?

This membership has been created for women who believe that they have been victims of narcissistic abuse.

For the purposes of this membership, the word 'narcissist' is used to describe a person who is diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder OR an individual who displays narcissistic behaviour traits that have driven them to become perpetrators of abuse in relationships.

Many narcissists will never seek help or a diagnosis. 

This membership is focused on your recovery and it is not intended as a diagnostic tool for your ex-partner.

It's therefore important to consider your own personal experience during the relationship together with your struggles and symptoms when deciding whether this membership is right for you.

Can I join this membership if I am under 18?

While we know that people under the age of 18 may suffer with narcissistic relationship trauma, this program is designed for adult women aged 18 or over.

If you are under 18, you may benefit from specialist help from a provider who works with young people.

Can anyone use somatic healing practices?

Trauma-informed somatic exercises involve gentle physical movements that are designed to help restore your mind-body connection and release tension from your body. They also promote neuroplasticity, the natural capacity of your brain for healing.

Yoga Nidra is a deeply restorative guided relaxation practice. We are not offering yoga classes or an exercise program and you do not need special clothing, yoga mats or props.

We also work with mindfulness meditation and breathing practices, with everything adapted to offer a trauma-informed solution.

The membership can be enjoyed by all bodies. Each participant can choose adaptations to suit their needs and there is no right or wrong.

If you are pregnant, have vertigo, heart problems, psychosis or any other physical or mental health condition, please consult your physician before choosing to engage in breathwork, meditation or any other form of somatic exercises.

Meditation, breathwork and guided relaxation should never be practiced while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or while driving or operating machinery.

As with all guided practices, your engagement and level of participation is optional. Nothing is compulsory.

How is the program delivered?

Digital content is delivered via a dedicated members portal. The support community is located in a closed Facebook group.

If any live sessions are delivered these will be via Zoom and they will also be available as replay recordings in the members portal. You will receive Zoom links by email or they will be posted in the support group.

Does this membership replace 1:1 therapy?

This is a comprehensive therapeutic program of education, guided self-inquiry and healing with a support community. This is different to attending talking therapy sessions because it is an integrated mind-body solution.

The program encompasses more than talking therapy alone because it has been informed by top-down (cognitive) and bottom-up (somatic, body based) approaches. Current thinking by experts suggests that this is the most effective way to heal from relationship trauma.

You will only get 1:1 sessions with Rhian if you become a private client. 

As with any online membership or therapeutic process, outcomes differ between individual students and will vary according to the time and energy you choose to invest in your healing journey.

How do you make sure the support group is a safer-space?

We cannot guarantee any group is a 100% safe space because this isn't the nature of human interaction.

However there are measures we take to make the space feel as safe and welcoming as possible for you.

These include implementing a code of conduct based on support, acceptance and encouragement rather than criticism or blame. Breaching the code of conduct may mean that you are removed from the community, as with any Facebook group.

The group is closed and private and we ask members to respect each other's confidentiality.

While we accept individuals may have differences of opinion we do ask members to be kind.

There is a no advertising, promotion or links policy implemented in the group and admin approval is enabled for all posts.

Can this membership offer me legal, financial or medical advice?

Rhian is not a lawyer, financial advisor or medical doctor and so while she will be supportive, she cannot advise you on your legal rights, financial interests or physical health. 

It is important you consult the appropriate professionals if you have concerns about divorce, contact arrangements for children, property, money or your physical health.

Please note that all decisions you make are your own and you are responsible for your own well-being.

How do the payments work?

When you join the membership you will gain access to the online portal and support group. You will lose access if you do not pay your monthly subscription or choose to leave the membership.

Payments are taken via the Stripe secure online payment processor.

In no instance will refunds will be granted.

Do you offer refunds?

All purchases are final and refunds are not offered.

We do feel confident that the membership is excellent quality and we will do our best to support you and meet your needs.

Is there anything else I should know?

We reserve the right to amend, update, remove or add to membership content since we are committed to improving the material and the outcomes for students.

As long as you remain a member, you will receive access to any updates.

© Copyright Rhian Kivits | Ts & Cs


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